Delivering Bad News Tactfully and Effectively By J Albee
The situation is “You are a department manager in a mid-sized company that provides technology support services. You have ten employees who are required to maintain a high level of technical expertise and deliver excellent customer service. One of your employees, who have been with the company for two years, is performing at a substandard level and you have received numerous complaints from customers and coworkers. In addition, this employee has displayed confrontational behavior which has created a hostile environment. You must now meet with this employee and deliver an ultimatum regarding the need for immediate improvement or dismissal.” (Ashford University online, Assignment, week three (2010)
I will assume that since this employee has been with the company for two years, this is a relatively new situation. The employee would not have been kept employed had he had low level of technical expertise or have has behavioral issues. I will also assume the company has employee evaluations on a yearly basis as many companies do. Given these assumptions I will create a meeting running dialogue and I will name this employee John Smith and discuss my actions for this assignment at the end in a summary.
The first this I would do is pull the job description, performance expectations company policies, and makes two copies of each. I would have his employee file and copies of evaluations, as well as current and past performance levels. I would also print the complaints received by customers and co workers; I would black out the names for privacy. I would also contact any employee who has filed a complaint and or customer if I need more specific information or details. I would also create a contract for the employee to sign at the end of the meeting. This contract would spell out the performance levels required, the professional manner expected as well as the behavior levels expected by John Smith. I would also include the fact that should John not meet the conditions described in this contract his employment would be terminated immediately. This contract would be signed by both John and I as a legal ethical contract of expectations. These would be prepared in advance of the meeting.
Mr. Smith, Thank you for meeting with me today. Would you please take a seat? May I call you John? Sure why not. The reason for this meeting is it has come to my attention we have some issues which need to be discussed.
Our records show you have been with us for two years. Until recently you have meet the require performance levels expected and have received no complainants from customers and worked well with your coworkers. Is this correct? Yes, I have worked here two years and am a good at what I do? What is this all about?
Here is a copy of the job description and expectations for the technology support services position. Would you please look it over? Would you agree this is the job description and expectations for the position you are currently hold as it was when you where hired? Yes, I guess it is the same, but it was two years ago.
Here is a copy your previous evaluations, which include copies performance levels past and present. As you can see you performance levels have become unsatisfactory and no longer meet minimum requirements for the position. I know there are times when our personal lives encounter hardships and stress can affect our job performance. Are there any issues at home which I may offer referrals or help which could be affecting your job performance? No everything’s same as usual. Besides even if there where what could you do? Our company has several options if you find you need some professional advice or help in personal matters which might be affecting your ability to do your job. Are there any services which you might be in need of which I can offer a referral? No, like I said it is all good right now.
As you can see your performance levels are not the high level of expertise and excellent customer service as required by the job description and expectations. As of today you need to meet the minimum requirement for performance levels and would hope you would aspire to exceed them. As of today you must achieve and maintain the required performance levels as stated in your job expectations and job description Is that understood? Yes, it’s understood I guess. Do you have any questions about the expectations of the performance levels? No none I get it.
I also have received some valid complaints from a few customers. This is greatly concerns me as we are in business to provide technology support and services. If our customers are not satisfied we will not be in business. I understand there are always those customers who we cannot seem to please and we cannot possible please everyone. But in our business we can transfer the customer to another who can offer support and or services if we cannot. There is never a valid reason to receive a valid complaint from customer. Would you agree? No sometimes they are rude and yell at me. I am doing my best and they just do not get it. In that case you should transfer them to your supervisor or a co-worker for assistance. Would that make sense rather than have them file a complaint against you? No, well yeah I guess. But who want to get yelled at or look like they can’t do their job? I understand that but we have to work as a team and that means if you cannot satisfy a customer you should transfer them to someone who might be able to. Remember John we are in business because of the customers and if we don’t do a good job and retain a high level of expertise and customer satisfactions we won’t be in business. So in the future you if you have an issue with a customer refer them to the supervisor on duty or another employee is this clear? Yeah I guess but every time? I can’t see how it will help but if you say so. Yes, John every time this is company policy we are in business to satisfy the customers by offering quality support and expertise.
We have another issue to discuss. Your co-workers have a come to me with concerns about your confrontational behavior. It has created a very hostile working environment for them. Here is a copy of company policy about expected professional behavior. As you can see having a poor attitude or a confrontational one is not considered professional behavior. What are you talking about I don’t have a problem if they do it’s their problem not mine. John, I have spoken to your co-workers and as of today you need to refrain from confronting co-workers on the job. If a conflict arises you need to come to me or your supervisor. I don’t believe they would go against me like that, whatever. John, this is not a negation this is company policy. There is to be no more unprofessional behavior on company property, no more confrontational behavior. We will work out the issue and find a way to resolve the conflict. However, that said you are not to create a conflict nor confront co-workers on the job. Can you agree to these conditions? What if I don’t? Then your services are not longer required. The choice is yours John. Okay, okay I agree. Good Joh , let’s go over everything we have discussed today.
John, we have gone over the expectations of your performance levels, you are required to bring up your level of expertise and deliver excellent customer service. Do you fully understand these expectations? Yeah .We have also discussed the proper way to deal with a customer who is angry or who you cannot seem to satisfy, by means of transferring them to the supervisor or co-worker . Do you understand the policy? Yes It’s dumb but yes. We also discussed conformational behavior and the fact that we all need to behave in a professional manner as described in the employee policy. We also discussed that fact that should an issue or conflict arise you will bring it to either myself or your supervisor. Is this understood John? Yeah I heard you. I got it.
John I have a contract here which simply states all that we have discussed her today. If you agree to the terms of the contract I need you sign each sections and then on the bottom.
I also want you to read carefully the last paragraph. This states that should you fail to fulfill your end of the contract, by that I mean any sections your employment will be terminated without further notice. Do you fully understand the contract as it is written? Yea. Do you agree to the terms of the contract? Yes. If so please sign and date at the bottom. John If at any time you feel you cannot agree to these terms you are free to submit a letter of resignations at any time.
Thank you for your time
Summary and expinations
I wrote the response as I assumed a confrontational employee might when confronted with these issues. I also used a personal experience to guide my actions and what I assumed would be his responses. Should John have become very angry or confrontational I would have relieved him of his employment immediately.
I think having the copies of policy, job description and expectations is vital to this type of meeting. Giving him the actual papers to read and provide a basis for the meetings give credence e to the meetings. I also feel keeping a professional level of communication while trying to give some sort of personal compassions, identification with them helps keep things professional but not cold. For example calling him John, and offering referrals for help for personal issues, and validating the fact that at times we cannot satisfy all customers but still holding him responsible for f his behavior and the complaints we received.
I also fee being stern is important. It’s a balancing act to remain human and have some compassion but not giving the employee a way to turn the meeting back on me or another person. Taking responsibility might be possible for them at this time. But it has to be clear, the change is immediate and that no further incidents or low performance will be tolerated. The ultimatum is change or be unemployed right here right now. The message is also if you do change this month but next month you go back to your poor levels or confrontational behavior or create a hostile work environment or receive another complaint you will be dismissed on the spot without further notice. By having a contract written up and having John sign each section, for each issue discussed and the final paragraph and having him sign it provided a paper trail, proof of understanding of expectations gives both John written instructions son expectations and me proof he understood them. This could save legal fees later if his employment is terminated due to failure to fulfill this contract.
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